Sunday, July 4, 2010

Post Op Days 9-11

Day 9 (Wed, June 2): I'm starting to look a lot better now, but I felt awful most of this day. I still had some nausea going on even after the anti-nausea meds, and I had no appetite to speak of. Just couldn't stomach anything which wasn't good. I had force myself to choke down some Ensure just get some nutrition. On the good side, I was only taking the liquid ibuprofen now. :)

I forgot to mention in my previous post that Q said I could brush my teeth now. That made me very happy, my teeth felt gross. It felt weird, but good. I couldn't open my mouth much so I couldn't brush the backs of my teeth. At least it was a start! :)

Day 9 pics

Day 10 (Thurs, June 3): Still wasn't feeling great, and still didn't have much appetite. :( At least I wasn't throwing up though. I had my first post-op ortho appointment w/Dr Nelson which went well. Everyone in the office said I looked great, they are all so nice there. Dr Nelson tied the broken wires together and changed up the bands. I only had one band on the right side at this point. He asked me how much weight I had lost so far which with the last couple days of not eating was at 10 lbs so far. He told me that I'd need to be careful not to lose much more. I totally agreed w/him, I didn't have that much to lose in the first place (the wk before surgery I weighed 126 lbs)! Hopefully this nausea crap will go away soon so I can eat more regularly.

Day 10 pic

Day 11 (Friday, June 4): Finally started feeling better and was actually eating. Yeah! :) I still had some slight nausea, but I sipped on 7 Up and that helped. I saw Dr Nelson again, and he checked the band that he had placed the day before. It was doing what he wanted it too. He told me to take it out when I ate and brushed my teeth. Then I was off to see Dr Q, and he was happy with everything. He asked how the nausea was doing, I said it was a little better...and that I was so sorry for having to call him late at night, he said it wasn't a problem at all, that's what's he's here for. I know it comes w/the job, but he is such a nice guy. :) Q told me to get some active cultures into my diet like yogurt and that should help settle the nausea. He also told to me to put some heat on the bruises on my face and neck which should help get rid of them. Hopefully I make it thru the wkd w/o any problems!

Day 11 pic - This pic shows a big reduction in swelling from the previous day. Yeah!

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