I didn't sleep hardly at all, and was up well before the alarm. (Which to anyone who knows me well, knows this is not the norm. I LOVE my snooze button!) I'm feeling nervous, but with a little bit of calm. I think it helped me to pray the night before, I think that's were the calm came from anyway.
I dragged my feet a lot this morning, because I really wasn't feeling ready and the day already seemed to be moving faster than normal. I needed to be at the hospital at 9-9:30am to be prepped for the surgery which was scheduled for 10-11am. Time was flying by, but everything seemed be in slow motion too.
We (me and my husband) get to the hospital on time. The check in was quick (it helps that I did all the paper work the week before when I came to get my blood drawn) and before I knew I was in the pre-op room. The pre-op nurse was super nice, and did a great job w/my IV. She told me what to expect when I woke up - might have a tube in my nose that goes to my stomach, there'll be ice packs wrapped around my head and there'll be an oxygen mask on my face. Again, everything was moving SO freaking fast. I wanted to hit the pause button. I'm not feeling ready for this! I don't know how many times I said that to my husband, must of been 100 times or more.
Pretty soon Dr Q came in to see how I was doing. Then the anesthesiologist dr (don't remember her name) came in to give me what she called "the best dizzy you'll ever feel" medicine. Yeah, I needed something to calm me down! I remember waiting for this "best dizzy ever" feeling, and not feeling the "dizzy". I kinda remember being rolled into the OR next to the operating table and being left there. I tried to look around, because I heard people, but didn't see any people. My husband later told me that after the dizzy medicine, I became very chatty. I'm not a chatty person, in fact when I'm scared, nervous or mad I don't talk at all. I don't remember being chatty at all.
The next thing I knew I was waking up. This part is a lot fuzzy since I was really out of it. I vaguely remember the tube being pulled out of my nose that went to my stomach. I remember someone asking me if I knew where I was and what had happened. Which I did. Once I was awake, they took me to my room. I don't remember having any pain at this point, just being really groggy and tired.
It was around 4pm when they put me in my room. I was feeling pretty good all things considered, ya know for just had having my jaws sawed apart. My face felt pretty weird. It felt tight and puffy. Talking was very difficult and that became frustrating for me. I couldn't really move my mouth at all. I had 4 rubber bands in, two on each side. I had full feeling on the entire left side of my face including my lips and chin. On the right side of my face, my lower lip and chin area was completely numb, and the inside of my right nostril was numb. That was it for the numbness! That was awesome and really exciting since I'd been most worried about the numbness. :)
At some point Dr Q came in to check on me. I don't really remember much other than he was there. My husband told me that Q had told me to get some rest, then he sat down and chatted a while w/him. Q went over the what to expect now stuff w/him, and said everything went really well during the surgery. Then they just BS'ed for a while.
My surgery lasted 3-3 1/2 hours or so. Each jaw took about 1 1/2 hours complete. Dr Q said everything went well. Apparently the nerve in my lower jaw was huge which took him a little longer to get around, because he had to chisel it out. I'm just glad he didn't chop it in half (not that I really thought he would)! ;)
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