Sunday, August 8, 2010

Too Tense

So I'm still having pain issues w/the right jaw joint area. This has been going on for about 3 weeks or so now, it's REALLY getting to be annoying. Grrr. I just wanna be all healed already.

I saw Q last Wednesday, and again he prodded around and pulled my mouth open - It hurt like hell. :(  But he gets my mouth way more open than I've been able to so far, and he did say it opened wider than it did the last time he saw me (which was 2 wks previous). So I guess that's a good thing. Then he asked if I wake up in the morning tensed or w/ my jaw clenched, and said I do. I've also been really achy at the end of the work day and I get these sharp shooting pains inside my right ear (that just about turns me into a blubbering, crying baby). Q said that would be happening since the muscles are in spasms and putting stress on the joint which sends the shooting pain in the ear.

He basically told me that I'm really tense, - I know this, my stress levels at work have been BRUTAL the last couple of weeks! - because he can feel the muscles quiver and spasm when I try to open/stretch my jaw. He said there's nothing wrong w/ that, it's just how I am. Hmmm, I think there are some steps I can take to help myself oh say not stress about the shit I can't control. :| Easier said than done, but I still need to work on it. Anyway, he prescribed a muscle relaxer for me to take before I got to bed every night for the next 2 wks. So far I'm not sure they are working...I still wake up w/a clenched jaw. I think it's time I find some yoga classes again. Or a new job?


  1. Hi Roxie!
    Project managing is like babysitting adults, and is very tense! Good news on the muscle relaxer that is were I would get my tension reliever! I was project manager building a 30K sqft commercial building a couple year ago and I still think I have tension over that! How about yoga and kick boxing blend?! (ha) Bummer to hear about the pain hope you turn that corner ASAP!
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. I know, right? I've said for a loooong time that we need a de-stresser room at work - w/padded walls and huge punching bag! lol

    You have a great week too, Brent! Thanks!!

  3. Hi Roxie
    Here is the good news, if it were easy...everyone would be doing it! So you have a strength that brings you to the top to provide leadership and coordination to people who really need and want that type of direction... At least that is what I say to myself, and sometimes that makes me feel a little better.
    How are you feeling this week?
